Saturday, September 27, 2014

You Are a Human

You are a human being. It may not seem like you're important to the world. But there is a reason that you're here. There is a reason you were created. It might not be obvious to you yet, but you'll find out what it is as soon as you need to. It's okay to feel afraid. It's okay to not know what you're doing. To be honest, most people don't know what they're doing. We're all just trying to figure out life at the same time.

Life is full of weird, scary, and confusing times. We've all been through them in different times of our lives. They are what let us connect to each other. We can share our experiences to help others learn the lessons we had to learn the hard way. It seems we're all here to help each other out. Help each of us to learn, to love, to enjoy life in the best way we can.

You are a human being. You are a wonderful, amazing person who is meant to do so much. You mean so much to so many people. We may forget this sometimes, but we matter. Not just to those around us, but to the world. We matter because we exist.

I know that sounds crazy. Why would one person living on a world that has billions of other people on it matter? Why would we be important? And I don't know the answer to that. I wish I did, but I don't. No one really does, no matter what they say. What I do know is that it's true. That each and every person on this world means something, an even if we don't notice it, we make a difference. In the lives of those close to us and even to those that we may only see once in our lives. We get to make the choice on how they remember us, if it's that kind stranger who smiled at them when they were having a bad day or if we're that person who made their good day turn into a bad one.

This world may be full of people. We may be insignificant in the long run, but at this time, right now, we are here. And we matter. Maybe 100 years from now we'll be forgotten, but right now we have so much to do. So much to live for, believe in, and look forward to.

I hope you can remember this. When you have a bad day, when life gets too hard, remember that you matter. That there is a reason to your existence and even if you don't know what it is at this exact moment there will be a day where you do. This is to remind me that even on the worst days there is a reason. A reason to go on. To try again. To wake up in the morning and know that I'm one day closer to figuring things out just like everyone else.

We can be humans together. We can make bad choices together. We can help each other hold on when the other just wants to let go. We can remind each other that we matter. Because sometimes that's all you need, So, I hope you remember this. Above anything else, remember that you matter. We can do this. Together.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Why Love?

You know love is such a weird concept. We can love another person, we can love animals, we can love certain foods, we can love literally everything. But we never love them in the same way. I don't love my best friend in the same way I love my favorite food. I also don't love my best friend the same way I love my family. The thing is, there is no other way to describe how you feel about things that you like more than other things. Love is all we have.

In so many ways, love is all we have. Loving a family member isn't the same as being in love with another person. You don't get to choose your family, but you get to choose a stranger. It doesn't really make sense. Why we choose certain people out of all the others in the world and then we decide that's the person I want to are about. That's the person I want to rely on and depend on and come home to every day. We decide who we make important.

But we don't get to decide who chooses us. We don't get to decide if someone loves us. We don't get decide who thinks we're important. It isn't fair really. Being able to give someone your whole heart and them being able to decide if they want to hold onto it or not. It makes me wonder why we are so careless with our hearts at times.

Why do we not think about what might happen if we were to give up our hearts? Why do we usually jump head first into relationships with people we barely know? It doesn't make sense, yet we all do it. I guess we are just trying to find that person we decide to make important and the only way we know how to do that is to give pieces of ourselves out until we finally find the person who will protect all of our pieces and replace the ones we gave away.

The hurt of getting pieces of ourselves broken or taken from us changes us. We become different.

No matter how we much we try to protect ourselves from getting hurt, we can't always prevent it.

It's so much easier to talk about things like this when you can project onto someone else. When you can take the I's and the me's and turn them into we's and us'. It makes us feel like we're not the only ones who are afraid of things like getting hurt. It's kind of funny that the pain of something so terrible can unite so many people.

I guess in the end that's the best part about being able to love so much. By loving, we can connect to others. We can find new stranger who become friends who we love. And then when we get hurt, because we inevitably get hurt, we can connect to those who have felt our pain before. We learn that the pain that we are feeling is survivable because they've survived it.

So here's to love, in all of it's many forms. And here's to feeling pain, because it lets us know we're still alive. We're still here and we're going to be okay. Because we will be. In the end everything will be okay. As long as there is love in this world, we'll be okay.

Giving you all my love,