Thursday, May 17, 2012

Imagining Stories for People

When I go out somewhere I always like to people watch. Sometimes I'll pick out a couple people and imagine these very elaborate stories of their life, why they were in that store, what they do for a job, and how they would respond in certain situations.

I like to do this because usually when you meet someone that you may have imagined to act a certain way they usually end up surprising you. My theory for this that we (those who make up the stories) are judging that person by the way they look. All we know about this stranger is what we can tell by looking at them.

It definitely shows that judging someone by how they look tends to mean that you will not be right. But it also shows that the way one dresses and acts causes people to think of them in different ways. I'm sure there are a lot of other reasons out there, but this is what I think about.

What about you?


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