Thursday, August 29, 2013


Have you ever had any of those friends that you don't really talk to all that much and you can go like a couple months or even more without saying anything and then when you do finally talk to them it's like you have never stopped talking to them in the first place. I feel pretty lucky because I have a lot of people like that in my life. And in the past week I've gotten in contact with two of these people and they're pretty important people to me.

The first was a best friend of mine I've known since the fourth grade. And the other is someone I've probably known since I was in preschool. And I have to admit, that I am the type of person who doesn't do well with keeping in contact with people. But I do love my friends and when I do talk to them and get to see them I am extremely happy.

I've come to realize that most of my friendships are like this. And it's probably because I don't have something that keeps us together like school or anything like that. Having friends when you're young is easy. You have to talk to these people and hang out with these people for your formative years. You're kind of stuck with them for a while. But when you don't have that thing to keep you in contact and you don't put forth effort then you're not going to have friends. And that's a terrifying thought.

Spending this time talking and catching with these two people recently has made me realize that friends are really precious and if you don't work at your friendship then it's going to crumble. Friends are special people and it's really weird to think that there are these people in the world that care about how your day was or someone who is willing to just sit in silence and enjoy your company. It's a weird thought, but it's also really comforting.


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