Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dear You,

When the darkness engulfs you, look toward the sun. Feel its warmth. Let it brighten your day. Even if it's only for a little while. Find the silver lining. The good inside the bad. Remember we are all connected. You're a child, a sibling, a friend, family, lover You're someones hope. But on those days where it seems like your alone, like no one cares, remember who your hope is. Remember who you're staying alive for.
Or what.

Because there will be bad days, but there is always hope. There is always a reason to go on. Even if it's that stranger who smiles at you when you pass everyday. Or your dog meeting you at the door after a bad day.
They keep you going. And you keep going, for them. For yourself. For the day when you will be able to feel the sun against your skin again and smile.

Don't let the fear trap you. Live adventurously. Take a deep breath and act. Make rash decisions at times. You'll learn from your mistakes. And probably make them again anyway. But that's okay. Because it takes a couple times to make an impact.

Take time to live. Take time to be afraid, but push through. Take time to be happy. And sad. And loving. And kind. And angry. And hurt. Don't become numb to the world. Feel wholeheartedly. Don't let the world make you hard.

These are the things I want you to remember. When life is bad, when the sun disappears, remember these things. The fear will pass. The hurt will pass. The pain will pass. The world will be good again. I promise.



  1. Thank you for this and your past several posts. You are such a wonderful writer.
