Monday, August 11, 2014

Fighting Battles

I hope you're good to one another. If that's all you get out of this, that's okay. This world is not always kind. Everyone has demons they face on a daily basis and even if we can't help them in their battle we can at least not make it harder on them.

I know it's something we've always heard. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." It's something we have been reminded of continuously, but it seems to be forgotten by so many people these days. We've grown up in a world that tells us strangers aren't important. We're told they're just extras in our lives and they don't matter. But that's isn't the case.

Everyone has their own lives, yeah, that's true. But we should be glad to be a part of it even if it's just a smile, because a simple smile can end with you sharing your life with that stranger you smiled at because they looked like they were having a bad day.

Some days we may feel like we're just skin and bones. Nothing else. Not a heart full of love or a mind full of thoughts. Darling, I know that these are going to be the hardest days to be kind to others. Try to remember those days that were made a little better by someone else's smile.

Put on your armor when you need to. Protect yourself from your own demons. No one is going to look at you as being less if you need to. Use your kind words, your smiles, your love, your hope on the evil you face. Show them they can't destroy you.

You will face hate in this world. It's just a sad fact. There will always be someone throwing hate into the world. You might not be able to stop them, but you can at least soften the blows. Going around with your hands held out may get you hurt more often, but you're going to gain so many more experiences. Being open, being real, it might not seem like it, but it makes you tough.

There will be people in this world who will help you up just to push you back down again. I know it doesn't make sense, why people would hurt someone else purposefully but it happens way too often. Don't be that person. Become people's refuge. Become the person they know they can come to when life gets too hard because they know you'll be there to tell them "It's going to be okay. You can get through this. I'm here for you." Because that's usually what they need to hear anyway.

Be kind. Be loving. Be hopeful. We need more people like that in this world and you might just be able to change someones life. You're going to do great things, I know this. Just don't let the world get to you before you accomplish them.


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