Tuesday, May 12, 2015


With the end of the semester coming upon us I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about endings. And I've come to realize that everything has an ending. Days end, months end, moments end, lives end, relationships end, books end, and all we have is the time before the ending. The time that allows us to enjoy those things before the end. Sometimes it's a lot of time. Sometimes it's only a second. We never really know for sure how long we have before our ending will come about.

Endings have never been my favorite thing. I'll put off finishing books for months, I never watch the end credits for movies, endings aren't anywhere on the list of things I enjoy. But they're inevitable. They're just a part of life. And sometimes, no matter how much you try to avoid, things end.

Why are endings so scary? That's a question I'm not quite sure there is a solid answer to. But I do know that when things end, it causes a lot of unknowns that have to be taken into account. Right now my primary school career is ending. The thing that I have spent 13 years of my 18 doing. Right now my dance classes are ending. Something I have spent 15 years of my 18 doing. Right now my life is changing. And with that change a lot of endings are happening as well.

A lot of good things are happening though. I'm starting at a university that I am in love with in the fall. I'm in love with a guy who loves me just as much back. I'm getting out of this town and even though it isn't to a bigger town or anything, it's a new start. A time to re-invent myself and become the person that I want to be known as.

So ending are hard. But they're also important. Life changes. Endings are inevitable. It's just one of those part of life that you have to get used to. So, yeah, a lot of things are ending right now and it's weird to think about, but a lot of things are beginning too. That's what makes the endings bearable. Because new things can't start without old things ending. So this isn't a goodbye to my past. It's a hello to my future and that it might have in store for me.


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