Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

You know I never really cared about Valentine's Day, especially when I was younger. It was just another day where you gave candy and you got candy from people. And that was totally fine with me.

But now I do notice that I kind of care now. And it's not even that I care about having someone to be my "valentine." It's just nice to know you have someone who doesn't necessarily have to care about you cares.

You have no idea how much someone sending me a message on Tumblr saying that they hope I have a good day because I deserve it. And that just made my day!

So, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it doesn't really matter if you have a valentine on one day out of the year, because there are 364 other day out of the year to have people say the care. And don't take advantage of people who care about you either because on day you're going to need them too.

So be proud to tell the people you love how you feel about them, any day of the year, they'll appreciate it. I promise.


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