Friday, March 8, 2013

On Celebrities and Titles

Do you ever think about how weird it is that we make out celebrities or people we like from the internet into these amazing people and they're really just normal people who have had this really awesome thing happen to them? Because I just was.

It's weird though. We put these people up on a pedestal, like when did we decide that this was something that some people got to feel and others didn't? Who decided that people in movies or on tv or online or anyone who has any sort of audience were "more important" than everyone else?

And maybe that's why a majority of celebrities, of any kind, have a time where they have a "breakdown." Because it is not normal for someone to have that much responsibility or to have to always worry about what your doing and how you look. That's just not something that people can handle without breaks every once in a while.

It's a dangerous thing to imagine a person as more than just a person, because they will eventually disappoint you by doing something you would never expect. And I guess that's the thing, maybe us making these people into something more than just a person is what makes it worse. We expect so much and are disappointed when they make one mistake, but that's what human do, make mistakes.

I don't really know what the point was to this, but I guess if there is one it's this: Try not to make people into more than what they are because it will disappoint you. And sure that's kind of depressing, but I think it's better to have a realistic view on people than to make them into some sort of idol who you think can never do wrong. People make mistakes and they change and it can't be stopped. So, sure have your role models or people you admire, just remember they are people too. And don't think to badly of them when/if they mess up.


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