Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thoughts On Depression

Here's the thing about depression and what I've learned about it during my life. Either dealing with it or seeing  people I love deal with it, I've learned a lot. The main thing I've learned is that it doesn't matter who you are, what you've been blessed with, anyone can be depressed.

You can be rich or poor, have any color skin, be a Christian or hold whatever belief you want, it doesn't matter. None of these things affect whether or not you will have the chemical imbalance that causes depression. Because that's what depression is, and you can't control it.

The fact that some people say that if you are a Christian or if you have this thing in your life or if you do this thing, then you won't be depressed anymore. That's just a lie. There is no way to "fix" depression. You can take medication that reduces the affects depression has on you or you can even have lengths of time where the depression is almost no existent, but it doesn't fix it.

 It's hard to deal with depression, especially when you have people around you who either don't think you are depressed or they think that if you just suck it up you'll get better. And those people make me really angry. They make you feel worse about the way you feel, which no one should feel entitled to do. I know that if I had a choice between being depressed or not I wouldn't choose the one that makes me feel like crap  90% of the time. I think people forget that sometimes. That we don't get to choose that we feel like this sometimes.

People make being depressed seem like this thing that no one should talk about, like if we don't talk about it it will just go away. But it won't. It's something you have to deal with all your life and there will be good days and there will be horrible days, and you just have to keep going. Even when life seems like it's trying to completely destroy you.

I don't know how to make it better, and truthfully I don't think you can. There will be times in life where the darkness seems like it's engulfing you completely. Like there is no way the light can break through, but it does. And all I know is you have to keep going, even when you don't want to.


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