Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why don't we vote for vice president? You know, I feel like we should.

When given an option between two people to run our country we can decide who we want for the "main" person, but we can't choose who we want to help that person. There have been a lot of times where a person running for president has had a running mate that you don't want to also have the power that the vice president will have. Then there are people who are great vice president candidates, but their running mate isn't that great.

It feels like if we were able to vote for the candidate we want then people would want to vote more. Because if they don't like the person running with the candidate they want as president, but they like the other one, then they would be more likely to vote. They would have more options.

It seems like with our rights and freedoms we should be able to choose who is going to help run our country for four to eight years.

Maybe it would end up choosing the lesser of two evils, which is what a lot of people think when they vote, but maybe it would also show the candidates abilities and how they plan on helping fix the problems we are having.

I just feel like if we are going to vote on our leader, we might as well be able to vote for the second in command too.

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