Friday, March 30, 2012

The Wounding part 2

When we push aside God he still pursues us because he still has hope and will always care for us.

When you're wounded there's a temptation to let them define us, but we shouldn't let them. God uses our pain to reconnect us to him. Even when you're wounded God is still using you in his plans. Everyone will be wounded and it could scar you for the rest of your life, but there's a reason that God's putting you through it. 

You can't ignore you're wounds or be afraid of the pain, you have to keep living. We need to see what defines us and not let our woundings define us. The only way out is to refuse to let our wounds define us and find something else to define you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Happens When You Die « Thought Catalog

What Happens When You Die « Thought Catalog

This is a pretty gut-wrenching, thought provoking article. I think it's definitely worth reading even if you haven't lost someone close to you.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Wounding

Tonight we talked about being wounded during youth.

There are many ways that we are wounded: physically, mentally, and spiritually are the main three. And there is a high probability you have had at least one of these happen to you.

A physical wound is easily recognized like a bike crash, or on a more serious side cancer. These wounds (the extreme ones) are usually questioned ie: Why did this person get cancer? Why did they die? and so on. But the others are sometimes harder to spot and harder to understand.

A mental wound is a lot harder to recognize than a physical one, mostly because it doesn't usually show on the body. Mental wounds include mental illnesses and other wounds that go with that. They can very detrimental to the people who have them and they tend to become disengaged with the world.

The final wound, a spiritual wound, is probably the hardest to fix. This wound is one where you feel as if God has deserted you and that you have been left to fix your problems alone. This one's hard to fix because most people become depressed during this time and they don't want to share with their faithful friend that they have begun to question their beliefs and need someone to talk to about it.

People begin to disengage themselves after they've been wounded in anyway, but what we have to remember is that God was wounded so many times by us and He has never deserted us.

When you become disengaged you tend to push people away and you could push them to the edge. If you push them to the edge you need to be prepared to pull them back. To do this you first need to ask God's guidance and then you need to go apologize to that person and be prepared to listen to their side of the story and see how they felt.

Why is it tempting to follow your own direction rather than God's?

Here is my answer, but everyone has their own opinion.

It's easier to follow our own direction because it isn't set. We can shape our rules when we mess up, but God's rules are never going to change, they are always going to stay the same and they may be hard to follow at times, but they are there for a reason.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

Everyone's been talking about the Kony 2012 movement.

It's an obvious important cause, but it's also hard to ignore the fact that this isn't the only place in the world where they have this problem and that the group supporting this has a less than great reputation. And when you look at the facts you can see that they could've been doing a lot more, if the funds went where they were supposed to go.

There's also the fact that you're seeing all these people from different places in the world supporting this one cause, hopefully because they truly care about it. It's nice to know that when something terrible is happening somewhere people are willing to come together and help. Sometimes we forget that not everyone is safe when they go to sleep at night and the campaign also shows the power of the internet and how people suddenly became hyper aware of this situation when it was posted online to different sites.

So, what I think is that this is definitely something that needs to be known and that needs to have peoples support, but the non-profit supporting it does seem to have a questionable stance on where their money and anything else they get for their cause is going to. Basically the cause is a good one, but the backing organization is not one I would want to be giving money to.  
