Thursday, December 12, 2013


People are weird. And wonderful. We're happy and sad and everything in between. We're able to love and to hurt others. We're able to make promises and to break them. We're unlike anything else in the world. All unique and yet made in the same image. All created by God and yet, not all believers.

We're questioning, always wondering. Trying to find answers to questions that have been asked for centuries. Never complacent. Always searching: for answers, for adventure, for love, for companionship, for everything.

People don't seem to realize just how special they are. Everyone needs a reminder sometimes, even the most confident. Because we're all just scared and lonely people trying to make it in a world that seems to try and destroy us any chance it can get. So, we all need that reminder at the end of the day.

So, I'm going to give that to you today.

Remember that you're amazing and there are people out there who love you and that no matter what it may seem like, you are important. and loved. and so much more. 
