Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's been a while since I've actually sat down and write something here and to be honest, I haven't been in the mood to write about anything. It's not that nothing has been going on, it's just that nothing I write seems good enough to be posted. So, I take all the blame. I probably shouldn't be so critical, but I just feel like if it's going to be out there it should be it's best.

I wish I had something amazing to write about, but I don't really. My life's actually been pretty boring lately, with schoolwork, regular work, and life. Nothing really amazing to tell you about. So, I'm just going to tell you about my life recently. (It's okay if you want to stop reading, I expect this to be boring.)

I've worked at a science museum for month with their summer camp and this is their last week, so it's kind of crazy, but this is my second year working there and I love it. And I'm getting an actual paying job there as soon as I finish volunteering and some paperwork is figured out, which is exciting! (It'll be my first job.) My dance classes have started back and I'm SO glad for that. It's amazing what something like that can mean to you when you don't have it as a way to express yourself and get away from the world. My older brother has gone off to college and he was having a hard time to begin with, but he's gotten used to it and is loving it and I've gotten used to him not being around anymore. I have school work I have to do Monday-Friday and as a Sophomore in high school it's gotten harder and I'm not even doing the "full load" yet. That starts after the volunteer job ends.

So, that's what my life's been for the past couple weeks. I'm going to try and post more, but I make no promises.

Love <3,

Sunday, August 12, 2012

You know after reading this and really thinking about it, I'm still not sure how I feel about that day. I know it's going to be here and it's going to be very weird and scary and a shocking reality when it happens, but I also know I have three years of high school and then four years or more of college.

The other thing is that some of these are things that are much easier to handle than others. Like you know you're favorite musicians aren't always going to be making music, it's just a fact, so that's easier to accept than not seeing your friends everyday like you have been that past eighteen years plus of your life. I also feel like some of these are avoidable or preventable like forgetting all the amazing times with old friends, you don't have to forget old times to enjoy and make memories with new friends, and even not speaking to your best friend everyday is something you can prevent if you put in the effort to talk to one another.

There are some that I don't want to think about and sort of refuse to think about, like my parents not always being around, I refuse to accept that fact at the moment and will continue to disregard that until absolutely necessary. And the fact that life will change and that change is inevitable as a person grows and learns about themselves and others, it's a scary fact and something I don't like thinking about because it brings up other things I don't want to think about. Also, the fact one day I will no longer go to a school of any sort is kind of scary because all of my life has been about school and doing things for school and what do you do when you don't have school to occupy your time? Is it like summer all the time? I mean, I know you have to get a job at some point, but when does that time come? How long should you give yourself?

I don't know the answer to these questions, but hopefully someday I will and if I do and I'm still writing, I'll let you know what I've learned.

So, Good Luck to those whose life's are no longer the same. It seems kind of scary, yet exciting.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Everyone's going back to school in the next few days/weeks and it's brought back some memories. I love school, okay. I always have and probably always will. I love getting new clothes for school and new shoes and the smell of new school supplies. Meeting new people and getting to see old friends was always a highlight as well.

The things is, it seems as we get older school gets less exciting and a lot more like a job. It becomes more tedious. Now, I know what you're thinking, "but you're home schooled, school can't be that bad for you." And it's not, school has never been bad for me, but it's still hard. And I'm pretty sure it's still going to get harder. But that's okay because I like challenges.

So many people have posted about their first day back at school and it being their first day of high school or their senior year and I'm going to be a sophomore, but seeing these people I've known since kindergarten talk about their first day of high school makes me feel old. And that's sad and scary. Because on day it's going to be me talking about my first day of college and I'm not ready for that.

For me school has been and will always be a place that I associate certain things with. Like the refusal of taking a nap in kindergarten and then really wanting it back in first grade. My first grade teacher assistant reading the Mary-Kate and Ashley Adventure series and us always getting to make a cool snack on Fridays if we were good. In second grade when we had a lock down and we got to skip Saxon for the day. (It was pretty awesome!) Third grade we had an end of the year party at a church picnic area and we played water games and all sorts of different games. And fourth grade, the last grade I was at a public school, was definitely a favorite. I had an awesome teacher and that year was just so amazing it's hard to pick one thing that stands out.

My time at school will always have a special place in my heart and I will always look back on it with fond memories and remember the amazing teachers, friends, and everyone else I met while I was there.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm one who has always grown up with extended family around and I've never been one to think it's odd to have this close relationship with a cousin or another extended family member. But I've realized at this point that I'm lucky. I'm lucky to have such an amazing family, who love me ad will ALWAYS love me no matter how bad I screw up ad how awesome it is to have cousins who you are don't talk to once a year at a family reunion.

I'm also lucky I have a family that has a family reunion. I'm lucky my family can put aside differences and come together even just once a year. I'm lucky I have a family who is willing to travel far if they have to just for a weekend to visit family.

My family may not be the most normal, and they may be kind of crazy, but they are still MY family and I care about them as much as they care about me. And sometimes I forget there are all these people out there that are connected to me in some way and you know what? Those people that are your blood aren't your only family.

Trust me, I have a lot of different families. I have a church family, a dance studio family, a family of school friends, and my blood family. Now, this may seem like too many families, too may people to care about, but the amazing thing is that a lot of these people are in two or three of these groups. The people you grow up with, whether a blood family member or a member of another family, they begin to feel as if they are your blood family. And that's how I feel it should be.

So, I want to thank all those who are my family, who care about me ad put up with my craziness, Thank You and I Love You.
